I am Rayhana Jahan my nick name is Lima. I have complecated graduation at National University. I live in Bangladesh at Sunamganj.

I have a dream in my life and I will be a successful Freelancer and will pay my mother to Hajj with the fueling money. He is my only supplication to Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Everyone will pray for me so that my dreams are fulfilled.

I'm a very ordinary girl. I give life to the life of the Hereafter more than the worldly life. "Death is an extreme fact, whether we forget or remember it." I'm going to die, with the ground, this is the truth. I can not ever come back, I can not do something a little. So before you die, find out why you came to the world, and why would you go. Because life is the only, after death, there will be no more chance to find the truth. " "I believe in my religion, I believe in Allah, that Allah should give me the strength to die with faith, I feel fortunate to be born as a Muslim, because if I was born in the house of a non-believer, what is Islam? If I did not know that if I did not get the impression of Islam, then what would I answer after I died in Allah? "

Allah says, "Allah has made a seal over their hearts and their creasts and their eyes are covered with a covering, and for them there is a severe punishment." (Baqarah-7)
'If Allah had wanted, He could have put a seal on my heart, so He did not do so to me.' "O Allah, grant me the tuft of your worship." "I am proud to be a Muslim"

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ABOUT US ABOUT US Reviewed by Rayhana Jahan on April 24, 2018 Rating: 5


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